By now, there is probably little I could throw your way that would surprise you. I vascillated between asking you to grid, nudging you into some novice topic-modeling and digital rendering, or asking you to build-another-tool. The build-a-tool concept won out for several reasons. For the fourth and final exploratory and for the the final weekly of the semester, please do this, but for "theories of genre."
For expedience sake, here are some key differences:
- Our corpus (broadly and intertextually defined) for Week 11 does not explicitly state a “theoretical turn” -- it's more like an amassing of ideas.
- I'm suggesting the following working teams:
- Anna and Travis
- Charise and Mackenzie
- Erik and Tyreek
- Joe and Netty
- Julianna and Mandy
- Obviously, I'm asking you to upload your “build-a-tool” plan to our shared Google Drive space by the beginning of class time on Thursday, November 6.
All else is the same, but feel free to e-mail ahead with questions. As always, I am truly looking forward to this,
-Dr. Graban